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  • Writer's pictureSarah

Music for Life

Music for life: that is the Ferris Music Center's motto. The purpose of the motto is to remind people that just because you aren't studying music, or don't spend as much time as you used to practicing, that you can still participate in music through college and the rest of your life.

That's me performing our halftime show at Ford Field

Music has been a large part of my life. I've been singing ever since I could talk, I played piano for a few years and started violin at age 9. Through all those years of playing I have gotten some amazing experiences. I went to Florida with marching band, Chicago with the orchestra. I participated in the Michigan Youth Arts Festival and played with some of the best high school musicians in the state. I was able to perform at Ford Field with the marching band when our football team went to the state finals. And most recently, and probably my favorite part of my musical career, I have sat at concert mistress for the West Central Chamber Orchestra at Ferris.

Here i am playing my senior solo at my high school collage concert

I remember playing a solo for my orchestra director my first semester of my freshman year. He just wanted to know how I played and get a feel for what my skills were and where he thought I should be in the orchestra. I remembered a piece that I had not played or practiced since June. After I finished my director just sat back and went..."wow." During our first rehearsal he mentioned my name among a few others who he thought would be a good fit for concert mistress. I just sat down in the chair and told the other girls that we would talk about it later and we never did. So I got to be concert mistress kind of be default, but hey it works. Being concert mistress comes with a few extra jobs than just being a part of the section. People look to me when there are questions, I get to run sectionals and I get to play solos (which is one of my favorite parts).

My friend Ben and I after winning our awards

I just played one of my final concerts of my college career and honestly it was one of the best concerts I think we have ever played. I had so much fun because of the bonds I have made with other members of the orchestra. To top it off I also received a scholarship and award for outstanding musicianship (with one of my very good friends). After we finished the concert I was on top of the world.

It has been such a joy to be able to have so many great experiences through music. In elementary school I was able to grow closer to my parents who got me into music (my mom was my piano teacher!). In high school I made some of my closest friends through orchestra, marching band or theatre. In college I have been able to grow as a leader. Now as I am preparing to graduate I want nothing more than to work for an organization that values music and the arts.

Music for life. I always knew that music was important to me but never knew how much it would shape my path in life.

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